1873: Tucson, Arizona:
Two Chicanos and an Indio are taken from jail and lynched by an Anglo mob while the sheriff turns his back. A coroner’s jury later defended the lynchings.
Category Archives: Arizona
On this day, in Chicano History:
1973, Tucson, Arizona:
Two highly decorated Viet Nam veteran are arrested together, but treated differently. John Hall is given a suspended sentence, but Carlos Flores is charged with “resisting a Border Patrol Officer.”

1973, Tucson, AZ
This day, in Chicano History
This day, in Chicano History: July 23
1898: Jerome, Arizona:
The Jerome Mining News re-prints an article complaining that “people of Spanish and Mexican descent are not enlisting” in the war against Spain because of “the tie of language” is stronger than allegiance to the U.S.