Jul. 17, 1920, San Antonio:
The Literary Digest reported a local Chamber of Commerce official bragged, “Mexican farm labor is rapidly proving the making of this state.”

Literary Digest
Jul. 17, 1920, San Antonio:
The Literary Digest reported a local Chamber of Commerce official bragged, “Mexican farm labor is rapidly proving the making of this state.”
Literary Digest
Now we all got issues, right? But here is what we dont like: People thinking they can run rough shod, under our flash, under our patch, and thinking they can run sh*t.
We’re dealing with some SERIOUS situations right now, and the last thing we need is too placate a handful of narcissistic flying monkeys. It’s okay, we won’t name any of you, you pretty much know who you are.
Aside from that, there is so much to be said. But it’s best to say little, and to know that the Carnalismo Brown Berets have been running strong for generations.
I want to take this moment to give Victor San Miguel all of my credence, as he is a beacon in guidance, advocacy, action, understanding, patience, and fairness as well as justice. Under his tutelage, I have truly learned a lot (even if I was being a hard head at the time.) When a man (And I’m NOT trying to engender the argument, I’m writing as a man) such as myself looks to a hero, Victor San Miguel is truly one of my personal hero’s I owe a debt to him that I can’t even explain. Being a Carnalismo Brown Beret is the most amazing experience ANYONE could know. Victor San Miguel’s leadership, diplomacy, forgiveness toward adversarial, etc have always amazed me. I’m glad that he has taught me – through suggestion/facilitation, just what it means to be a leader – especially in our capacity.
I am still very proud to be a Brown Beret, and I will NEVER shy away from that title. I will staple gun my beret to my head before anyone tries to de-frock me.
Someone has taken to task on some “Latinos for Trump 2016” to launch several fake profiles, troll numerous Chicanos, and provoke them by “photoshopping” them (very poorly) in some attempt to cause agitation/disruption, etc. Mas a menos, we know where this is coming from, but details will follow. The “troll” likely even used the photo of some unwitting person, as we have seen happen recently with these fake facebook profiles being continually launched.
We’re NOT about to speak on our conjecture, or speculation from which these fake facebook profiles orginate, as we are still gathering our own data. But the profile screen grabs are depicted below:
Congratulations to our Houston Chapter of Carnalismo Brown Berets – featured on Latino Talk TV, on August 10, 2015. They spoke eloquently about Carnalismo as an historical organization, and about issues affecting our Barrios nationwide, such as Gentrification, and what revitalization and preservation of our communities SHOULD look like. Be sure to check out and “like” their Facebook page at: http://tinyurl.com/qedganb
The video can be seen here:
There once was a time, when Brown Berets didn’t distincly “beef” with one-another. There once was a time when the stakes were higher, in terms of the adversities and atrocities we fought.
There once was a time, when the “Chisme” element never took hold, never took shape of “El Movimiento.” There was a time when such “Chisme” operators didn’t slip through the cracks.
Many activist groups, of any stripe, or any cause find themselves at some juncture faced with the task of dealing with in-fighting, or worse yet, ego-slamming personalities who through their own “Chisme” personal agendas instigate and perpetuate the in-fighting. The following pictures show an historical march against Police Brutality which took place en Tejas, in the early 70’s. Nothing new there; Brown Berets have been addressing this issue for over half a century.
What might seem new, which is actually really old, is how our brothers and sisters banded together once – regardless of patch, because the stakes were that high. What is also depicted in the pictures are a very rare, and little known representation of the “La Causa” patch, NOT seen in yellow and brown, but red and black, with a striking semblance to the colors of the Carnalismo Brown Beret Flash.
These are things that cannot be made up, nor falsified – nor can they be diluted by anyone slinging a “Chisme” motive. These are the things that were done during the old times, of the Brown Berets.
Carnalismo brown Berets, alongside “La Causa Brown Berets.” Note that their patches are RED, not yellow
Bullying culture, as it stands is bad enough. But suppression of our rights as individuals is just as bad. Such has been the case of Longfellow Middle School, in San Anto, Texas. In this instance Longfellow Middle School, and the local school district have been complacent in addressing issues of bullying. And though the school district receives money from a non-profit organization that claims to tout spreading bullying awareness, we can see how this really is just a “cash cow” steeped in subsidies.
Bullying is a systemic problem, often bolstered by institutions operating from a “colonized” mindset. For our part on the particulars, Carnalismo Brown Berets are synergizing with AIM Ctrl. TX to show awareness, and to affirm ALL of our rights as people.
For those who can make it, a demonstration will be taking place.
We underscored it earlier, in previous posts, how the “BBNO” continually operate from a duplicitous agenda – we have been demonstrable from that regard. In many respects, we put together a digital diorama, which shows just how much to rapacity clings to ownership of the Brown Beret persona, as well as Brown Beret level activism.
These hostile grab ups can be paraphrased here:
How the BBNO sought to remedy the strife can be watched here:
It should be addressed here NOW that our movimiento as Carnalismo Brown Berets has always sought PURO genuine involvement. Thus has been the ONLY capacity at which we have operated. To regale ANYONE to false promotions is merely a maligned, mal-adapted and fake psychological exchange – an exchange we continually witness being put into practice. We continually and painfully see this as a by-product of colonization; a continuum of “puppies an followers.”
Much of our gente are seduced by the movida to follow indiscriminately, such as the examples can be presented here. But leadership is actually an abstract concept, riddled with the power of discerning thought. Those incapable of discernment are those who lack a capacity to thinks for themselves – and as as painful of a plight they may undergo, we KNOW, thatĀ those so incapable are lost, in the respect that they need some sort of guidance. They are incapacitated toward intellectual thought. They have a thirst to be lead, rather than a drive to facilitateĀ others toward leadership. In other words, some people know nothing outside of being led. Just watch the vids, they seek to explain the tenets of “independent thought.”
SAN ANTONIO – Sunday, March 15, 2015, Carnalismo San Anto Brown Berets and others protested a bill which allows for racial profiling in Texas – one which is similar to SB 1070, in Arizona.
Republican state senator Charles Perry of Lubbock introduced SB 185. The bill would allow peace officers to ask anyone for documentation to prove their citizenship status. It would also allow the Attorney General to withhold state grand funds if municipalities forbid an officer from asking about someone’s status.
State Senator Donna Campbell of New Braunfels is co-sponsoring the bill.
We must put a stop to this “tongue-in-cheek” racial profiling legislation.
In December of 2014, “Big Rog” (Roger Rael) had notified Carnalismo Brown Berets HQ that he would murder Ricky Gonzales, National Spokesman of the Carnalismo Brown Berets and Prime Minister of New Mexico. Needless to say, the threats NEVER came to fruition. But as of this morning, “Big Rog,” took it upon himself to resurface, and continue his threats via text message:
En El Movimiento, we are riddled and rife with so many ppl hung up on their own self aggrandizement – we continually have to address this susceptibility, and permeability in order to keep things honest. There is, however a certain phenomena where distinct bad actors continually try to amass own-ness or ownership of the Brown Beret persona. There are individuals who have distinctly sought to copywrite or trademark what we do. They thirst to own it. They are so hungry to own it, they are willing to pay the fees, and take the gabacho route to have “own-ness” over a cause, in an effort to own the Brown Beret persona. LETS BE CLEAR – ANYONE MAKING CLAIMS TO THIS, VIA THE GABACHO GOVERNMENT ARE STILL THEMSELVES FEEDING THE SAME MACHINATIONS THE BROWN BERETS HAVE HISTORICALLY SOUGHT TO CHALLENGE. In other words, your legitimacy continually envelopes toward your ILL-ligitimacy, and I for one am sorry that you squandered such expense to file through the gabacho system, compromise your physical addresses in doing so, and continuing to harass other Brown Berets. We will NOT allow “bad actors” en el movimiento – it simply won’t occur.