First, this entry is meant to shed light onto the “achievement gap” that exists in the Chicano and Brown Beret community – to illuminate abuses, or “over-dependent” tendencies of Gente to fall back on third party, money mongering websites, and how many disruptive individuals make good efforts at their attempts of exploitive tactics, with regard to “social media.”
We have seen this dynamic in the older days of “myspace,” and truer than true, much of that activity DID lead to an upsurgence of “social media activity.
Fast forward to today, and many people can see how anyone with an email address can launch a Facebook “profile,” and subsequently launch a “Fan Page.”
So here’s where the bad actors attempt to try to “hold court,” or falsely appeal to our gent with a “support page.” This has gone on for so long, that I have to wonder what they will do when Facebook is no longer relevant. that day will come, and people will migrate elsewhere onto the internet.
I wish to also illuminate another fact; These frivolously launched Facebook fan pages can actually diminish the value and the honor of the Brown Berets as a whole legacy – whether being launched as a ham-fisted attempt at undermining others, you’re undermining the values and virtues which Brown Berets have classically held onto as the underpinning of the movement.
Allow me to dumb that down a little: Repeatedly launching disingenuous Facebook fan pages, in an attempt to garner “band wagon” supporters will diminish the movement as a whole. It will actually water down the whole thing, and undermine it’s credibility. Truth be told, there are many bad actors using Facebook currently as a platform, and an attempt to cause disruptive distrust amongst the Brown Beret Community.
I’ll go ahead and water that down some more: Irrelevant or disruptive people who think Facebook is a good place to declare your wannabe, dominant Brown Beret group is a bad idea, because it taints the Brown Beret Community, it de-values yourselves, and it mis-leads the public.
How does it mislead the public? These diatribes spewed by people hung up on “ownership” of the Brown Beret legacy. It confuses people, boffos!
To argue over “originality” is an argument internalized by agitators, or people with motives to self- aggrandize themselves. Como que? Cult Leader types… People who exhibit themselves as a self professed “cult-of-personality.”
What it means is this: Some individuals, of inferior morality basically sit posted up on the internet, trying to formulate strategies to undermine other Brown Beret groups. Much of this continuum appears to stem from middle-aged, Chicano men, with little to zero involvement en el Movimiento, even devoid of the historicity of their own families.
Watering this down some more, ALL Brown Berets are susceptible to opportunists, who think they can step into the fold, and endow themselves as the determinate of what a Brown Beret is, was, or will be.
Any Brown Beret group that opens itself up to such susceptibilities might want to visit an “Internal Audit” of the personalities they identify with. Honestly, any Brown Beret group that barks about their authenticity ought to do their DUE DILIGENCE on who they vet to bring into their fold.
Wreckless recruitment measures, overly-ambitiousness, or enticement are ALL undertones of a gang, a cult, group-herd mentality.
Herd Mentality is a concept that doesn’t surface in the Carnalismo Brown Brown Berets: We don’t subordinate our own Raza. Carnalismo is an understanding. Some people get it, some people don’t. Carnalismo is a form of understanding, which very, very few people cannot wrap their minds around.
That being said, these other “internet jockey’s,” playing their little games can ride the Facebook wave all they want. When Facebook is no longer relevant, they will blindly (like sheep) scurry over to the next social media platform. And by such junctures, they might have found that ANY sense of their own privacy has been left open.
Discretion and accountability have their merits. NOT Levas who exhibit hidden agendas. We ARE the Carnalismo Brown Berets, and we live by our own merits. And we have been around for a very, very long time.