As per Victor San Miguel, head of Carnalismo Brown Berets, he says, ” I have NO input to what Burns does…Burns does NOT stand with Carnalismo…”
It should also put put forth that Jon (Juanito) Burns is NOT welcome in El Paso, TX due to his negative interactions and harassment of the Tijerina family.
This statement comes as Jon (Juanito) Burns has attempted to re emerge as a Brown Beret, and once again deceive other Chicanos and other organizations over his validity as an activist. There exists to this day NO single individual who has caused more disruption in divisiveness than Jon Burns. (his newest self proclaimed nickname is “El Gitano.”)
Jon Burns has been evidently proven to instigate violence, sexual harassment, bullying, manipulations, slander, libel, and LIES, and this has been a continual issue, largely because those who align with him, ally with him, etc. From here on in, those who harbor Jon Burns will have their names associated with him, and with “Rape Culture,” as well as “Bullying,” both of which are large topics in todays political climate.
Below is a message Jon Burns recently sent a member of Carnalismo via facebook, in which he uses obscene sexual language to insult two members of Carnalismo, and another member of the National Brown Berets (NBB)
Those who wish to dismiss or ignore this immature behavior are themselves just as guilty as Burns himself.